Thursday, 7 September 2017

Term Three Learning

We have been learning about NZ native animals.

In the Life Education van we were reminded about cyber safety. 

'Road Safety Awareness and Trucks' let us get up close to the massive log moving machines. 

Friday, 23 June 2017

Cooperative learning about Matariki.

Each students had their own Matariki star to research.

We needed each other's work to complete our task.

Keeping our treaty rule, participate cooperatively in all our learner.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Alien Landers!

An alien spacecraft has been spotted orbiting Earth. They are a peaceful species and wish to share their advanced technology with the human race. But they need our help! They do not have a way to land on Earth. Your mission: Design and build a shock-absorbing lander to protect the aliens during impact on Earth. Using only the supplies available on the spacecraft.

News Flash:
Each lander was carrying two aliens and only three aliens survived impact!

Monday, 22 May 2017

Conflict Resolution Recipe!

 Can you spot the common ingredients in our recipes?

New Zealand Sign Language Taster Class 2017

Thank you Lee Bullivant for teaching Room 3.

In the New Zealand Sign Language Taster Class we learnt:Introductions, family,colour, numbers and animals names.

Who knew it would be so fun!

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Be smart with our money!

This is Jeremy. He was sponsored by the A.S.B Bank to come and teach us financial literacy. Basically how to be smart with our money.
We like the advice his big brother gave him. With money,'make it sprinkle, not rain or else you will be in drought!' This means it is o.k to spend your money on things you like and your friends, but be sure to save a bit too; so when you need it you still have some left.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Thanks to The Heart Foundation and Pak'n'Save!

We were all enjoying being lunchbox legends. 

Lunchbox legends eat the food of champions.

Term 1 Week 11

We always look forward to going to the library.

Observational drawing, haven't done that in a while.

ANZAC cookie bakers did a fabulous job! Thanks Mrs T.

Weaving our own Easter baskets.

Talk about teamwork to make play dough.

We had to create our own Easter eggs.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Art Day -Visual Pepeha

We have had our heads down, working hard on our visual pepeha.
Watch this space for the final products!

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Food for Thought - Supermarket Visit

There was a lot of choices. 

We had to work together as we read the nutrition panels. 

Learning together so we could make healthy choices.

We want to say a big 'THANK YOU' to everyone that helped.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Food for Thought

Koka Annette from the Heart Foundation came to teach us about making healthy food and lifestyle choices.

She gave us tips so we can eat the right size portions.
As we listened we had to use our note taking skills.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Our Spanish Teacher

Señor Evans teaching the class.

It was fun learning basic introductions and our números hasta diez.

Señor Evans for earning 30 gotcha rewards and choosing to teach Room 3 something.

Open Day

Thank you for all the whanau who came in last week to learn about our goals for the year.

 We have started using Steps Web and Study Ladder. It sure makes it easier when we have our own headphones.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Last Day of Adventure Week!

Finally the sun was shining and we got to enjoy the last day of Adventure Week with Room 2. We created 'marble rolls' at the beach. So, they were really for a tennis ball,we still achieved our goals of: co-operation, functionality and creativity.